Tax policy may not be enough to combat climate change

A new paper in The Review of Economic Studies indicates that carbon taxes will be less effective at reducing carbon emissions than previously thought. It also finds that tax interventions needed to achieve goals agreed upon ...

Rapid scale-up of CO2 removal crucial for climate goals

Capping global warming at liveable levels will be impossible without massively scaling up the extraction of planet-warming carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the first global assessment of CO2 removal warned Thursday.

What uncertainties remain in climate science?

The favored refrain of climate deniers and those who oppose climate policies is that "the science is not settled." To some degree, this is true. Climate scientists are still uncertain about a number of phenomena. But it is ...

Climate goals achievable at affordable cost: Study

Climate change could be constrained by implementation of policies to ensure fossil fuel producers pay for carbon clear-up, or capture, according to new Oxford-led research, published today in Environmental Research Letters.

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