Simulation provides images from the carbon nucleus

What does the inside of a carbon atom's nucleus look like? A new study by Forschungszentrum Jülich, Michigan State University and the University of Bonn provides the first comprehensive answer to this question. In the study, ...

Near-Earth asteroid is really a comet

Some things are not always what they seem—even in space. For 30 years, scientists believed a large near-Earth object was an asteroid. Now, an international team including Joshua Emery, assistant professor of earth and planetary ...

Graphene switches: Team makes it to first base

Ever since graphene was first isolated a few years ago, this quasi-two-dimensional network made up of a single layer of carbon atoms has been considered the magic material. Not only is graphene mechanically highly resilient, ...

Novel archaea found in geothermal microbial mats

(—Our oldest national park may hold answers to questions about the activities of microbial communities that, in turn, may help in developing bioenergy technologies or safely storing carbon dioxide. Detailed analyses ...

Fundamental question on how life started solved?

For carbon, the basis of life, to be able to form in the stars, a certain state of the carbon nucleus plays an essential role. In cooperation with US colleagues, physicists from the University of Bonn and Ruhr-Universitat ...

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