Cyclic hypervalent bromines act as aryne precursors

Diaryl λ3-bromanes are a rare and generally unresearched class of compounds. A mild and efficient protocol now delivers a broad palette of these interesting building blocks for organic synthesis. As a French research team ...

Plastics could see a second life as biodegradable surfactants

Scientists at the Institute for Cooperative Upcycling of Plastics (iCOUP), an Energy Frontier Research Center led by Ames Laboratory, have discovered a chemical process that provides biodegradable, valuable chemicals, which ...

Cascades with carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is not just an undesirable greenhouse gas, it is also an interesting source of raw materials that are valuable and can be recycled sustainably. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, Spanish researchers have ...

Extremely low thermal conductivity in 1-D soft chain structure

Researchers have reported a new type of simple one-dimensional (1-D) crystal structured bismuth selenohalides (BiSeX, X = Br, I) with extremely low thermal conductivity. Investigations on crystal structure reveal that the ...

Sulfur provides promising 'next-gen' battery alternative

With the increasing demand for affordable and sustainable energy, the ongoing development of batteries with a high energy density is vital. Lithium-sulfur batteries have attracted the attention of academic researchers and ...

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