Carmakers brace for shocks as electrified future looms

Auto industry executives gathering this week for the Paris Motor Show will be rubbing shoulders with unusual company: dozens of tech experts eager to tackle what many consider the ultimate connected device.

Climate goals mean Europe will overtake US in electric cars

European carmakers are rolling out electric vehicles like the ones on view this week at the Paris Motor Show to burnish their reputations as technology leaders and to compete with Tesla. But also because EU regulations don't ...

Switch to e-cars will cost Germany 75,000 jobs: study

The growing use of electrified vehicles is expected to cost Germany's crucial car sector some 75,000 jobs by 2030, a study found Tuesday, with smaller auto parts suppliers set to be worst hit.

Will electric vehicles take over the world?

As more people and goods move around the planet, our cars, planes, trains, and ships are having a growing impact on the climate. Transportation now generates almost a quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, and in ...

China to see driverless cars in '3-5 years': Baidu

Self-driving cars will hit the roads in China "within three to five years", the founder of Chinese internet giant Baidu, one of the world's leading designers of driverless cars, said Thursday.

Why you should—and shouldn't—buy an electric car

California was on track to meet Gov. Jerry Brown's initial goal for putting 1.5 million environmentally friendly vehicles on the road by 2025, a new report says, but then Brown upped the target.

Tesla seeks its own Wisconsin dealerships to teach customers

Tesla officials pressed Wisconsin legislators Tuesday to let them to establish their own dealerships in the state, saying the company needs direct contact with customers to teach them about the electric vehicles' technology.

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