How to build a 1,000mph car (by the scientists behind it)

It was a staggering feat, a car that went faster than the speed of sound. On October 15 1997, Andy Green travelled across the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, in the Thrust SSC at 763.035 mph, or Mach 1.02. Two decades on, that ...

Elon Musk's Hyperloop hype ignores practical problems

You've got to hand it to Elon Musk - he certainly dreams big. The entrepreneur loves to take on tough technical challenges and turn them into business opportunities. He revolutionized online payment services with PayPal, ...

Student team unveils world's first solar-powered family car

The Solar Team Eindhoven (STE) of TU/e in the Netherlands presented the world's first solar-powered family car today. 'Stella' is the first 'energy-positive car' with room for four people, a trunk, intuitive steering and ...

World Solar Challenge: Resolution ready to shine down under

Built by undergraduates working for their exams, with funds raised by the students themselves, Cambridge's solar car is the only British entry into the World Solar Challenge. Despite the odds, however, its radical design ...

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