This years Nissan Leaf has battery issues

( -- Only an extremely small amount of new cars go from the lot to the road without owners having some kind of problems. It seems that one part or another will invariably cause problems. As it turns out electric ...

Better batteries for electric cars

The breakthrough with electric cars is a long time coming -- not least on account of their key component, the battery. Lithium-ion batteries are still too expensive and their range too limited. New materials should pave the ...

Electric vehicles: How we get there

During the State of the Union address, President Obama reiterated a goal that surely set the hearts of electric car makers revving.

Israel gears up to go electric

These heralds of a new age are remarkably quiet. No drums, no trumpets, just the whirr of a robot changing batteries and an electric car silently gliding around the Better Place test track.

Argonne battery technology helps power Chevy Volt

This month, thousands of new Chevy Volt owners will begin the real road tests of the first mass-produced plug-in hybrid electric car. While much of the car's engineering is unique, consumers may be unaware that some of its ...

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