5-year drought raises questions over Israel's water strategy

For years, public service announcements warned Israelis to save water: Take shorter showers. Plant resilient gardens. Conserve. Then Israel invested heavily in desalination technology and professed to have solved the problem ...

Turbocharge for lithium batteries

A team of material researchers from Juelich, Munich, and Prague has succeeded in producing a composite material that is particularly suited for electrodes in lithium batteries. The nanocomposite material might help to significantly ...

Hybrid overhead lines—more power, not more power lines

Social opposition to new high-voltage lines is delaying modernisation of the power grid. Two projects of the National Research Programmes "Energy Turnaround" and "Managing Energy Consumption" have determined the optimum design ...

Soaking up the water and the sweat—a new super desiccant

UNSW scientists have developed a new carbon-based material that could revolutionise moisture control in applications as diverse as electronics, packaging, air conditioning – and keeping footwear fresh.

Spain's Bilbao fights to lead European wind power sector

With a brand-new factory and a cluster of specialised firms, the Basque city of Bilbao is the focus of Spain's wind power industry which is fighting to hold its own in the face of fierce competition from China and northern ...

Smarter fiber data transmission doubles capacity to the home

Researchers of Eindhoven University of Technology and fiber broadband equipment supplier Genexis have developed data transmission techniques that can double or even triple the data transmission capacity of existing fiber ...

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