Trait adaptations in a Tibetan saber-toothed cat

Published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a new study details unique findings, analysis and interpretation of saber-toothed cat fossils, offering a glimpse into how the fierce apex predators operated on the high ...

Testing finds illness sickening Michigan dogs is parvovirus

An illness that has sickened dogs in northern Michigan, killing some of them, was found to be canine parvovirus, a common ailment the affected dogs were not fully vaccinated against, state officials said.

State, feds investigate illness that's sickened, killed dogs

State and federal agencies are investigating an unknown illness that's sickened dogs in northern Michigan and killed at least 30 canines in one county after they exhibited signs of a parvo-like illness.

Researchers assess diagnostic criteria for canine glioma

A multi-institutional team led by North Carolina State University researchers has found that using recently released criteria for the diagnosis of canine glioma resulted in strong diagnostic consensus among pathologists. ...

Fossil dental exams reveal how tusks first evolved

A wide variety of animals have tusks, from elephants and walruses to five-pound, guinea pig-looking critters called hyraxes. But one thing tusked animals have in common is that they're all mammals—there are no known fish, ...

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