Related topics: breast cancer

Bartonella bacteria found in hemangiosarcoma tumors from dogs

Researchers from North Carolina State University have found a very high prevalence of Bartonella bacteria in tumors and tissues—but not blood samples—taken from dogs with hemangiosarcoma, a cancer of the blood vessels. ...

Biologists make living sperm glow

How do female insects manage to keep sperm fresh for months after mating? This has been a central question for the sperm biologists of the Chair of Applied Zoology headed by Prof. Dr. Klaus Reinhardt. Now the scientists have ...

Slow electrons to combat cancer

Ion beams are often used today in cancer treatment: this involves electrically charged atoms being fired at the tumour to destroy cancer cells. Although, it's not actually the ions themselves that cause the decisive damage. ...

Non-invasive imaging method spots cancer at the molecular level

Researchers for the first time have combined a powerful microscopy technique with automated image analysis algorithms to distinguish between healthy and metastatic cancerous tissue without relying on invasive biopsies or ...

Lasers aim to replace scalpels in cutting-edge biopsy technique

To a patient, the analysis of a tissue biopsy sample to check for something like cancer may seem like a relatively simple process, even if it does mean giving up a small piece of flesh to be tested. The sample heads off to ...

Biopsy frozen in seconds in the operating room

For rapid freezing of a biopsy sample taken from a patient, the standard procedure uses liquid nitrogen. However, this is not allowed inside the operating room. The consequence is a laborious procedure causing unnecessary ...

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