Related topics: breast cancer

Nanoparticles train immune cells to fight cancer

Scientists in the department of Advanced Organ Bioengineering and Therapeutics (Faculty of S&T, TechMed Centre) recently published a novel cancer immune therapy in the scientific journal Nature Communications. In their research, ...

D-peptide ligand of Y1 receptor developed for targeting gliomas

A research group led by Prof. Wu Aiguo at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in cooperation with Prof. Dan Larhammar's group at Uppsala University, ...

Nanoparticle therapeutic enhances cancer immunotherapy

Researchers at Wake Forest School of Medicine have discovered that a nanoparticle therapeutic enhances cancer immunotherapy and is a possible new approach in treating malignant pleural effusion (MPE). MPE is the accumulation ...

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