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Study shows survival mechanism for cells under stress

New research reveals how cancer cells endure stress and survive. Publishing in Molecular Cell, an international research team identified mechanisms that human and mouse cells use to survive heat shock and resume their original ...

Cells are known by the company they keep

Cell culture media surrounds cells growing in the laboratory, and serves as both home and food. The media that scientists have used for decades to study cancer cells is great for promoting cell growth—but not so good at ...

Retroviruses are re-writing the koala genome and causing cancer

The koala retrovirus (KoRV) is a virus which, like other retroviruses such as HIV, inserts itself into the DNA of an infected cell. At some point in the past 50,000 years, KoRV has infected the egg or sperm cells of koalas, ...

A that gene provides both protection and destruction

The family of ENDOU enzymes is found in most organisms, yet its functions are only poorly understood. In humans, it has been connected with cancer. RNA viruses, such as SARS-CoV2, contain a gene corresponding to ENDOU, and ...

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