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Scientists zero in on cancer treatments using CRISPR

Chemotherapy works off of a basic premise: kill all rapidly-growing cells in an effort to wipe out tumor cells. The tactic, while generally effective, has quite a few off-target casualties, including cells that produce hair ...

Overcoming cancer drug resistance with nanoparticles

One of the ways in which cancer cells evade anticancer therapy is by producing a protein that pumps drugs out of the cell before these compounds can exert their cell-killing effects. A research team at Northwestern University ...

Taking the fight into the enemy's territory

( —German researchers have developed a scheme for the preparation of nanoparticles that offer a highly versatile system for targeted drug delivery directly into diverse types of tumor cells.

Sea sponge potential source of new medicines

The sea sponge has provided Flinders University researchers with inspiration for the discovery and development of new therapeutic agents in the treatment of infectious diseases and cancers.

Nanotechnology may lead to new treatment of liver cancer

( -- Nanotechnology may open a new door on the treatment of liver cancer, according to a team of Penn State College of Medicine researchers. They used molecular-sized bubbles filled with chemotherapy drugs to ...

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