Biden to halt fossil fuel leasing on federal land

President Joe Biden will announce new bans on drilling on federal lands, as well as a US-hosted climate summit in April, as part of a raft of actions that take aim at rising global temperatures.

3Qs: Who won the first debate?

Alan Schroeder, a pro­fessor in the School of Jour­nalism in the Col­lege of Arts, Media and Design and one of the nation's fore­most experts on pres­i­den­tial debates, offers an analysis of the first of three match-​​ups ...

Report builds framework for 'digital political ethics' in 2020

With the 2020 elections looming and amid continuing concerns over social media's role in U.S. politics, four top universities have published a comprehensive new report recommending how candidates, tech platforms and regulators ...

Alliance Data helps retailers guide you to the 'buy' button

Chances are you've never heard of Alliance Data Systems Corp. But it's probably heard about you. Every time you swipe a credit card, your purchase is captured by a database somewhere. The question is: Who's holding that information ...

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