Make the best of bad reviews by leveraging consumer empathy

Researchers from Nanyang Technical University, University of Washington, and University of British Columbia published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines "unfair" negative reviews and demonstrates that they ...

A view on climate change from the treetops of Western Africa

The tropical forest canopy is one of the Earth's underexplored frontiers. To understand how these unique environments respond to climate change a team from the Ecosystems Lab at the University of Oxford and partner institutes ...

Predicting the future response to our current cascading crises

If the past hundred days or so have taught us anything it should be humility about our ability to predict the future. Here, in New York City, we have seen the horror of a pandemic that locked many of us in our homes while ...

2016 presidential campaign emails reveal strategy, surprises

While public discussion during and after the 2016 presidential campaign between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton largely focused on emails and email servers, a team of political science scholars zeroed in on email communications ...

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