Opinion polls can undermine democratic elections

A dissertation from the University of Gothenburg, for which the author studied presidential elections around the world among other things, shows that the closer the race appeared to be in the opinion polls before the elections, ...

Crowdfunders: Who are they and why do they donate?

Want a successful crowdfunding campaign? Make sure you know who your backers are and what motivates them. This is the advice from Nadia Arshad, Ph.D. at Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University. In ...

Factors that determine the success of crowdfunding campaigns

Not just the characteristics of a project, but also the city in which it will be implemented and the diversity of the rewards promised to supporters are the key factors that determine the success of a crowdfunding campaign ...

Radio emission detected from the Vela X-1 bow shock

An international team of astronomers has conducted radio observations of a bow shock in the X-ray binary Vela X-1 using MeerKAT telescope. The observational campaign resulted in the detection of radio emission from this source. ...

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