China demand for luxury furniture 'decimating rosewood'

Runaway Chinese demand for luxury furniture is spurring illegal logging across Southeast Asia, stripping the region of precious Siamese rosewood and driving a chain of cross-border corruption and violence, environmentalists ...

Successful remigration is a myth

( —Migrants that return to their home country rarely stay there for the rest of their life. Much more common is 'circular migration', where migrants live alternatingly in host and home countries and are therefore ...

Two suspected in Danish police data hacking (Update)

The Swedish founder of the file-sharing site The Pirate Bay is suspected along with a Dane of hacking into a company handling sensitive information for the Danish police, officials said Thursday.

Pirate Bay founder accused of new crime in Sweden

(AP)—A Swedish man deported from Cambodia to serve a prison sentence for his involvement with file-sharing site The Pirate Bay faces new suspicions of hacking against the Swedish tax authority.

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