Do elephants call ''human!''?

African elephants make a specific alarm call in response to the danger of humans, according to a new study of wild elephants in Kenya.

From space, astronaut sounds the alarm about climate crisis

Entire regions of Earth in flames. Storms trailing destruction in their wake. And the haunting fragility of humanity's only home floating like a blue—but also tarnished—pearl in the vastness of space.

How your Zoom background can make you seem more competent

Working from home has made job interviews and starting a new role easier in many ways. You don't have to worry about a missed train or spilled coffee derailing a job interview if it's on Zoom—but you still need to impress ...

Gamer suspended over name of W.Va. town: Fort Gay

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. and the chief rules enforcer for Xbox Live are apologizing to a small West Virginia town and a 26-year-old gamer accused of violating the online gaming service's code of conduct by publicly declaring ...

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