NASA's Mars fleet will still conduct science while lying low

NASA will hold off sending commands to its Mars fleet for two weeks, from Nov. 11 to 25, while Earth and the Red Planet are on opposite sides of the sun. Called Mars solar conjunction, this phenomenon happens every two years. ...

Study examines link between underwater landslides and tsunamis

Scientists have calculated a way to determine the speed of past underwater landslides. To do so, researchers from The Ohio State University studied the remains of an underwater landslide just off the coast of Oregon—dubbed ...

Reports says Nevada is virtually drought-free

Southern Nevada's lengthy and bone-crushing drought has received oodles of attention in recent years, particularly as it concerns water use and Lake Mead. Getting less attention is that recent weather patterns have helped ...

Image: Readying a little rover

An engineer prepares a small rover for testing in a thermal vacuum chamber on Oct. 24, 2023, at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.

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