Understanding the interior of atomic nuclei

There is a lot going on inside atomic nuclei. Protons and neutrons are whizzing around and interacting with each other. The movement of the nuclear particles and their intrinsic angular momentum induce magnetic moments. Together, ...

Tracing the origins of organic matter in Martian sediments

Although Mars presents a barren, dusty landscape with no signs of life so far, its geological features such as deltas, lakebeds, and river valleys strongly suggest a past where water once flowed abundantly on its surface. ...

New study reveals phonon properties of β-MoB₂ single crystal

According to research published in Physical Review Research, a research team led by Prof. Luo Xuan from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered the existence of stacking faults ...

Utilizing active microparticles for artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence using neural networks performs calculations digitally with the help of microelectronic chips. Physicists at Leipzig University have now created a type of neural network that works not with electricity ...

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