Related topics: protein · vitamin d

Container rethink: Ooho team cooks up water holder

( —Think about it. A Sunday in the park. Trashbins overflow with plastic water bottles cast off by joggers, power walkers and their cheering supporters. They have gone home after a charitable athletic event to ...

Theory of crystal formation complete again

(—Exactly how a crystal forms from solution is a problem that has occupied scientists for decades. Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), together with researchers from Germany and the USA, are ...

Like diamonds, clay soils are forever

When you walk about your yard on a wet day, do your shoes stick in the mud? Could you make ceramic pots out of the soil in your garden? If the answers are yes to both, odds are you have clay soil, one of the biggest challenges ...

Key to speeding up carbon sequestration discovered

Scientists at Caltech and USC have discovered a way to speed up the slow part of the chemical reaction that ultimately helps the earth to safely lock away, or sequester, carbon dioxide into the ocean. Simply adding a common ...

New calcium material functions as an ammonia synthesis catalyst

Researchers find calcium outshines chromium in the catalytic production of ammonia. Working together, a humble trio of calcium atoms have defied expectations to break apart one of the strongest chemical bonds known. The atoms ...

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