Related topics: protein · vitamin d

Clues to paleoclimate from tiny fossils

New insights into the growth dynamics of minuscule marine organisms could help put the study of Earth's climate, both present and prehistoric, on a more solid footing.

First high-resolution images of bone, tooth and shell formation

Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) have for the first time made high-resolution images of the earliest stages of bone formation. They used the world's most advanced electron microscope to ...

From rocks in Colorado, evidence of a 'chaotic solar system'

Plumbing a 90 million-year-old layer cake of sedimentary rock in Colorado, a team of scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Northwestern University has found evidence confirming a critical theory of how the ...

The best offense is a great defense for some carnivorous plants

Insect-eating plants have fascinated biologists for more than a century, but how plants evolved the ability to capture and consume live prey has largely remained a mystery. Now, Salk scientists, along with collaborators from ...

Methane-munching microorganisms meddle with metals

On the continental margins, where the seafloor drops hundreds of meters below the water's surface, low temperatures and high pressure lock methane inside ice crystals. Called methane hydrates, these crystals are a potential ...

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