Butterflies deceive ants using chemical strategies

Oakblue butterflies may use a variety of chemical strategies to deceive ants and avoid their attack, according to a study published April 8, 2015 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Yoko Inui from Osaka Kyoiku University, ...

Drones for butterfly conservation

High-resolution aerial Photographs provides information that is both up-to-date and tailored for the task at hand—information that could previously only be obtained by observations in the field and only for a limited spatial ...

Gardeners can help protect butterfly populations

Bees aren't the only pollinators suffering from a massive North American die-off. Butterflies and moths, those flying flowers of the insect world, are disappearing too.

Goldfields ant nests under surveillance for elusive butterfly

Researchers searching for the rare arid bronze azure butterfly (Ogyris subterrestris petrina), which recently had its conservation status upgraded to critically endangered, are utilising existing data on ant nests to find ...

Why some butterflies sound like ants

Ant nests can offer a lot to organisms other than just ants. They are well-protected, environmentally-stable and resource-rich spaces—in many ways everything a tiny creature could ask for in a home. So long as you can live ...

Butterfly larvae mimic queen ant to avoid detection

Parasitic butterfly larvae may mimic ants' acoustic signals to aid in the infiltration of their host colonies, according to results published April 9, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Marco Sala from University ...

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