How franchisors can use contract ambiguity to their advantage

Researchers from City University of Hong Kong, Texas A&M, and University of North Texas published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines the effects of contract ambiguity on interorganizational governance.

How making an accusation makes you seem more trustworthy

Making an accusation about unethical business practices undermines trust in the accused and enhances trust in the accuser, but only if the accusation is made in good faith, according to new research led by Jessica Kennedy, ...

Even small gifts boost business

If a sales agent brings their customer a small gift, the customer is much more likely to make a purchase, a study by the university of Zurich has shown. This works particularly well when the person receiving the gift is the ...

Development of trust in B2B relationships calls for common goals

The development of trust in business-to-business relationships calls for goal congruence, according to a recent University of Eastern Finland and Cranfield University study shedding new light on power symmetry in business-to-business ...

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