Business intelligence acts as a precursor to strategy

Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics play a key role in strategy work. However, business intelligence is not just a data mass that supplements strategy or a self-evident prop, but, together with the predictions generated ...

Remote working: The future of work or just shirking from home?

Working from home during the pandemic has significantly impacted the economy in both the UK and internationally, but it certainly didn't dent one sub-sector: the Opinion Factories. These have been working overtime, either ...

In certain circumstances, outsourcing poses risks to vendors

Outsourcing routine tasks, like payroll, customer service, and accounting, offers well-known benefits to businesses and contributes to an economy in which entrepreneurial vendors can support industry and expand employment. ...

Why women leaders are excelling during the coronavirus pandemic

Since the beginning of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, there's been a lot of media attention paid to the relationship between female leaders at the helm of various nations and the effectiveness of their handling of the ...

How a leap of faith can take science forward

At the movies, scientific discoveries are often portrayed as a Eureka moment in the laboratory. Reality, however, couldn't be more different—early-stage academic inventions often require long cycles of testing, validation ...

Netflix chief Hastings to leave Facebook board

Netflix chief Reed Hastings will depart Facebook's board of directors at the end of next month, according to a Friday filing with US regulators by the leading social network.

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