Links in the chain: Global carbon emissions and consumption

It is difficult to measure accurately each nation's contribution of carbon dioxide to the Earth's atmosphere. Carbon is extracted out of the ground as coal, gas, and oil, and these fuels are often exported to other countries ...

Aerosols affect climate more than satellite estimates predict

Aerosol particles, including soot and sulfur dioxide from burning fossil fuels, essentially mask the effects of greenhouse gases and are at the heart of the biggest uncertainty in climate change prediction. New research from ...

Surprises from the ocean: Marine plankton and ocean pH

The world's oceans support vast populations of single-celled organisms (phytoplankton) that are responsible, through photosynthesis, for removing about half of the carbon dioxide that is produced by burning fossil fuels – ...

Ocean acidification leaves clownfish deaf to predators

( -- Since the Industrial Revolution, over half of all the CO2 produced by burning fossil fuels has been absorbed by the ocean, making pH drop faster than any time in the last 650,000 years and resulting in ocean ...

Artificial tissue promotes skin growth in wounds

( -- Victims of third-degree burns and other traumatic injuries endure pain, disfigurement, invasive surgeries and a long time waiting for skin to grow back. Improved tissue grafts designed by Cornell scientists ...

Researchers find evidence of fire in Antarctic ice

( -- A team of scientists studying Antarctic ice cores have found surprising evidence of a fluctuating pattern of carbon monoxide concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere caused by biomass burning in the Southern ...

Electronic nose sniffs out bacteria

Early treatment of infection in burns patients is critical. A European consortium has designed a point-of-care instrument that can identify types of bacteria from the tiny amounts of volatile gases they emit.

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