Major breakthrough improves software reliability and security

Anyone who uses multithreaded computer programs -- and that's all of us, as these are the programs that power nearly all software applications including Office, Windows, MacOS, and Google Chrome Browser, and web services ...

Bed bug insecticide resistance mechanisms identified

Bed bugs, largely absent in the U.S. since the 1950s, have returned with a hungry vengeance in the last decade in all 50 states. These insects have developed resistance to pyrethroids, one of the very few classes of insecticide ...

Decoding the proteins behind drug-resistant superbugs

Penicillin and its descendants once ruled supreme over bacteria. Then the bugs got stronger, and hospitals have reported bacterial infections so virulent that even powerful antibiotics held in reserve for these cases don't ...

SKoreans sue Apple over iPhone user information

A group of nearly 27,000 South Koreans is suing Apple for $26 million for what they claim are privacy violations from the collection of iPhone user location information.

Predator-prey role reversal as bug eats turtle

In a recent journal published in Entomological Science, Dr. Shin-ya Ohba shares the unusual behavior and role reversal of a giant water bug becoming the predator and eating a juvenile turtle in a ditch in central Japan. ...

No flaw safe from Montreal's game glitch hunters

A group of tech-savvy young gamers gather in a Montreal loft, drawn by a love for computer games and their well-honed skills for ridding them of potentially fatal glitches and flaws.

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