Pest ... or snack? June bugs are the 'croutons of the sky'

Many people grit their teeth in anticipation of the arrival of June bugs. You might already have had your first run-in with one. Perhaps you heard one clumsily bounce off your window? Maybe you saw one loop around the porch ...

Bed bugs modify microbiome of homes they infest

Homes infested by bed bugs appear to have different bacterial communities—often referred to as microbiomes—than homes without bed bugs, according to a first-of-its-kind study from North Carolina State University. In addition, ...

Kissing bugs also find suitable climatic conditions in Europe

An infection with Chagas disease is only possible in Latin America since the insect species that spread the disease only occurs there. Scientists at Goethe University and the Senckenberg Society for Natural Research have ...

New evidence on bed bug burden in urban neighborhoods

In the first study to use systematically collected data from multifamily housing inspections to track bed bug infestation, investigators including Christopher Sutherland at the University of Massachusetts Amherst "confirm ...

Grad student names new treehopper species after Lady Gaga

According to Brendan Morris, a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, treehoppers are the wackiest, most astonishing bugs most people have never heard of. They are morphological wonders, sporting ...

Cave fights for food: Voracious spiders vs. assassin bugs

Killing and eating of potential competitors, also known as intraguild predation, is a rare event that occurs only in specific situations such as severe scarcity of food resources, resulting in the competition between predators.

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