Related topics: astrophysical journal

Hubble finds that aging brown dwarfs grow lonely

It takes two to tango, but in the case of brown dwarfs that were once paired as binary systems, that relationship doesn't last for very long, according to a recent survey from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.

W1055+5443 is a Y-type brown dwarf, observations find

Using the Keck II telescope, astronomers have performed near-infrared spectroscopic observations of a nearby brown dwarf known as CWISE J105512.11+544328.3, or W1055+5443 for short. Results of the observational campaign, ...

Discovering a brown dwarf binary star with microlensing

Brown dwarfs are stars less massive than the sun and unable to burn hydrogen. They comprise (at least in mass) a bridge between planets and stars, and astronomers think that they form and evolve in ways different from either ...

Using cosmic weather to study which worlds could support life

As the next generation of giant, high-powered observatories begin to come online, a new study suggests that their instruments may offer scientists an unparalleled opportunity to discern what weather may be like on far-away ...

Astronomer point the way for exoplanet search

(—Though the search for planets around other stars, or exoplanets, is showing researchers that planets are abundant in our galaxy, it helps a great deal to have directions when searching for as-of-yet undiscovered ...

Scorching storms on distant worlds revealed in new detail

Astronomers have created the most detailed weather report so far for two distant worlds beyond our own solar system. The international study—the first of its kind—reveals the extreme atmospheric conditions on the celestial ...

Citizen scientists invited to join quest for new worlds

The Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 project re-launches this week, with a call to volunteer citizen scientists to join the search for cold worlds near the Sun. With its newly revamped online interface and equipped with twice as ...

Astrophysicists uncover secret origin of brown dwarfs

The origin of brown dwarfs is one of the great unsolved mysteries facing astrophysicists today. In a new study published in The Astrophysical Journal, Western’s Shantanu Basu and University of Vienna’s Eduard ...

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