Mathematically detecting bubbles before they burst

From the dotcom bust in the late nineties to the housing crash in the run-up to the 2008 crisis, financial bubbles have been a topic of major concern. Identifying bubbles is important in order to prevent collapses that can ...

'Mars crew' locked up for 520 days of isolation

Six men from Europe, Russia and China were Thursday locked away from the outside world for the next one-and-a-half years, in an unprecedented experiment to simulate the effects of a mission to Mars.

Having brothers delays sexual maturation in women

( -- Scientists in Perth, Western Australia, investigating the costs of brothers and sisters in contemporary Australian society, have discovered that girls with older brothers tend to start menstruation later, ...

The 'reality' of accent change

A new study of how accents change over differing periods of time demonstrates the limited impact of intense social interactions in isolated environments, and surprisingly large differences among people in how susceptible ...

NASA's Mars copter flight could happen as soon as Monday

NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter could make its first flight over the Red Planet as soon as Monday, the US space agency reported, following a delay of more than a week due to a possible technical issue.

Waste watchers? UK group fears trash bin spies

(AP) -- It's the new front in the nanny state: Microchips placed in garbage bins to monitor how much people throw away. A pro-privacy group warns in a new report that more than 2.6 million of the chips have been surreptitiously ...

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