New device could make diagnosing disease as simple as breathing

( —A range of diseases and conditions, from asthma to liver disease, could be diagnosed and monitored quickly and painlessly just by breathing, using gas sensing technology developed by a Cambridge spin-out.

Breath test identifies bacteria's fingerprint

(—Scientists have identified the chemical 'fingerprints' given off by specific bacteria when present in the lungs, potentially allowing for a quick and simple breath test to diagnose infections such as tuberculosis.

A smartphone sensor to detect disease factors in breath

It has been said that spending too much time on a smartphone can negatively impact brain development or even cause damage to the neck. But don't toss yours in the bin just yet. An EU-funded project is working on smartphones' ...

Dolphin 'breathalyzer' could help diagnose animal and ocean health

Alcohol consumption isn't the only thing a breath analysis can reveal. Scientists have been studying its possible use for diagnosing a wide range of conditions in humans—and now in the beloved bottlenose dolphin. In a report ...

Finding the correct dosage of medication by breath analysis

Using a mass spectrometric method, ETH Zurich researchers are able to measure metabolites of a common epilepsy medication directly in exhaled breath. This simplifies testing of patients and represents a step towards personalised ...

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