Performing cellular surgery with a laser-powered nanoblade

To study certain aspects of cells, researchers need the ability to take the innards out, manipulate them, and put them back. Options for this kind of work are limited, but researchers reporting May 10 in Cell Metabolism describe ...

Nanoparticles deliver anticancer cluster bombs

Scientists have devised a triple-stage "cluster bomb" system for delivering the chemotherapy drug cisplatin, via tiny nanoparticles designed to break up when they reach a tumor.

How a pill could improve breast cancer diagnoses

The ongoing debate about breast cancer diagnostics has left many women confused—particularly over what age they should get mammograms and who needs treatment. An issue with current methods is that they often identify lumps ...

Hepatitis virus-like particles as potential cancer treatment

UC Davis researchers have developed a way to use the empty shell of a Hepatitis E virus to carry vaccines or drugs into the body. The technique has been tested in rodents as a way to target breast cancer, and is available ...

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