Court rules Apple, local firm can use iPhone in Brazil

A court has ruled that Apple can use the trademark iPhone in Brazil, ending the exclusive rights Brazilian firm Gradiente had been given by INPI, the Latin American nation's intellectual property office.

Brand name advertising clicks with online shoppers

( -- Brand names in online search engine advertising campaigns can attract more attention and encourage more sales than campaigns that use generic terms, according to Penn State researchers.

The market advantage of a feminine brand name

Researchers from University of Calgary, University of Montana, HEC Paris, and University of Cincinnati published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that explores the linguistic aspects of a name that can influence brand ...

Product images could boost food pantry use

Even though one in 10 U.S. households is food insecure, only 28% of those 13.5 million households took advantage of food pantries in 2021—partly because of the perception that food pantry offerings are lower quality than ...

Apple says Proview iPad trademark demands unfair

(AP) -- In its latest statement on a simmering dispute over the iPad brand name, Apple Inc. said Tuesday that Proview Electronics' insistence that it still owns the mainland China iPad trademarks is misleading and unfair.

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