With tablet, Microsoft takes page from Apple

With its new tablet computer, Microsoft is taking a page from Apple's playbook in an effort to control both hardware and software for computers, in a strategy which carries some risk, analysts say.

RIM forced to change name of software

BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion has been forced to change the name of its new operating system from BBX after the company lost a trademark ruling.

Google loosens Europe ad trademark controls

Google shook up its lucrative online advertising service in Europe on Wednesday, saying it would allow sellers to register other companies' brand names as search "keywords" when shopping on the Internet.

iPad dispute signals new era in trademark troubles

(AP) -- iPotato, isock, icouch, istove, i-you-name-it. An Internet search for "i" words from A to Z will turn up just about any combination you might think up, from all over the world, only a handful of them related to Apple ...

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