Researchers reconstruct major branches in the tree of language

The diversity of human languages can be likened to branches on a tree. If you're reading this in English, you're on a branch that traces back to a common ancestor with Scots, which traces back to a more distant ancestor that ...

Astronomers spot cosmic dust fountain

( -- Space dust annoys astronomers just as much as the household variety when it interferes with their observations of distant stars. And yet space dust also poses one of the great mysteries of astronomy.

US Space Force logo draws comparisons to 'Star Trek'

US President Donald Trump unveiled the logo of Space Force on Friday, attracting critics who said America's newest military branch had boldly gone where Star Trek went before.

Hubble gazes at R Sculptoris and its hidden companion

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows the region around a star known as R Sculptoris, a red giant located 1,500 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Sculptor. Recent observations have shown that the material ...

Astronomers detect new Jupiter-like exoplanet

Using radial velocity measurements, astronomers from Japan and China have detected a new exoplanet orbiting a G-type giant star. The newfound alien world is similar in mass to Jupiter but much hotter than the solar system's ...

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