Rats have an imagination, new research finds

As humans, we live in our thoughts: from pondering what to make for dinner to daydreaming about our last beach vacation. Now, researchers at HHMI's Janelia Research Campus have found that animals also possess an imagination.

New robot 'steered by human thought': Honda

Japan's Honda said Tuesday it had developed a robot steered by human thought, thanks to a helmet-like device that measures a person's brain activity and sends signals to the machine.

Decoding birds' brain signals into syllables of song

Researchers can predict what syllables a bird will sing—and when it will sing them—by reading electrical signals in its brain, reports a new study from the University of California San Diego.

Disabled people pilot a robot remotely with their thoughts

Using a telepresence system developed at EPFL, 19 people—including nine quadriplegics—were able to remotely control a robot located in one of the university laboratories. This multi-year research project aims to give ...

A smart car that can read brain signals

EPFL and Nissan researchers are able to read a driver's brain signals and send them to a smart vehicle so that it can anticipate the driver's moves and facilitate the driving process. Nissan recently unveiled this brain-to-vehicle ...

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