Micro transistor prototypes map the mind

(Phys.org) —To make better mind maps, a group of French scientists – building on prototypes developed at the Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility (CNF) – have produced the world's first microscopic, organic ...

Sexually naive male mice, fathers respond differently to pups

Sexually naïve male mice respond differently to the chemical signals emitted by newborn pups than males that have mated and lived with pregnant females, according to a study published March 20 in The Journal of Neuroscience. ...

SKorea says Samsung chip plant caused cancer

(AP)—A South Korean government agency said Friday that working at a Samsung Electronics factory caused the breast cancer of a worker who died earlier this year, only the second time it has recognized a link between cancer ...

Italian court blames benign brain tumor on phone

(AP)—Italy's top court has ruled that a businessman developed a benign brain tumor because he held a cellphone to his ear for hours daily for his job and deserves worker's compensation.

A new model to understand the supertasting phenomenon

Supertasting describes the ability to strongly detect food flavors such as bitter and sweet, and it can affect a person's food preferences. For example, supertasters are often averse to green vegetables because their bitter ...

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