Creating high-quality, thick graphite films

High-quality graphite has excellent mechanical strength, thermal stability, high flexibility and very high in-plane thermal and electric conductivities, and therefore it is one of most important advanced materials used in ...

Can flaming torches really save a vineyard from frost?

There are many things that a vintner can control—where to establish a vineyard, which varieties to plant, when to apply water and fertilizer. But the weather is not one of them. Earlier this year, EUR 2bn worth of wine ...

Tracking climate change? Use the daily highs

Scientists using long-term surface temperature data to track climate change caused by greenhouse gases would be best served using only daily high temperature readings without the nighttime lows, according to new research ...

Discovery uncovers need for ammonia emission regulations

A discovery by former Carnegie Mellon Ph.D. student, Mingyi Wang, leading a large collaborative team, sheds light on one way new particles are forming in the upper troposphere. The study, published in Nature, reveals an unexpected ...

Conjecture on the lateral growth of Type I collagen fibrils

Whatever the origin and condition of extraction of type I collagen fibrils, in vitro as well as in vivo, the radii of their circular circular cross sections stay distributed in a range going from 50 to 100 nm for the most ...

Atmospheric boundary layer exacerbated mega heat waves

The extreme nature of the heat waves of 2003 in Western Europe and of 2010 in Russia and Eastern Europe even surprised scientists at the time. NWO Veni researcher Ryan Teuling from Wageningen University says that the extreme ...

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