Clouds over the southern Indian Ocean

( —Marine stratocumulus clouds stretched across the southern Indian Ocean in early March 2013. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite acquired this natural-color image ...

Mercury's magnetic field measured by MESSENGER orbiter

Researchers working with NASA's Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft report the frequent detections of Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) waves at the edge of the innermost planet's magnetosphere. ...

Not a drag: breakthrough will create cleaner, faster planes

( -- A world first model for predicting fluid flows close to surfaces will enable engineers to reduce drag in vehicles, and in turn, lead to more efficient and greener planes, cars and boats, according to a University ...

Generating electricity from air flow

A group of researchers at the City College of New York is developing a new way to generate power for planes and automobiles based on materials known as piezoelectrics, which convert the kinetic energy of motion into electricity. ...

Can flaming torches really save a vineyard from frost?

There are many things that a vintner can control—where to establish a vineyard, which varieties to plant, when to apply water and fertilizer. But the weather is not one of them. Earlier this year, EUR 2bn worth of wine ...

Simulated ocean mesoscale structures induce air-sea interaction

The mesoscale activities (or mesoscale structures) in the ocean possess immense energy. Such structures (including oceanic fronts and eddies) can induce mesoscale air-sea interaction (MASI) and then greatly impact oceanic ...

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