Latin America divided between oil and green energy

Latin America spends billions of dollars subsidizing fossil fuels each year, but also has some of the world's largest renewable power programs, highlighting the energy-hungry region's divisions as it charts its future.

What drives individuals to kill their co-workers?

Denied tenure and certain she would lose her job, Harvard-trained neurobiologist Amy Bishop shocked the nation when, in 2010, she killed three colleagues and wounded three others with a nine-millimeter semiautomatic handgun ...

Trouble with your boss? Own it

Don't get along with your boss? Your job performance may actually improve if the two of you can come to grips with the poor relationship.

Why cash incentives aren't a good idea in education

If there is one iron law of economics it is this: people respond to incentives. Offer an "all you can eat" buffet and people eat a lot. Double the demerit points for speeding on a holiday weekend and fewer people speed. And ...

Unhappy at work? The boss or the company may be to blame

If you are unhappy at work, it could be partly due to your boss' management style, according to a new study by Dr. Nicolas Gillet, from the Université François Rabelais in Tours in France, and his team. Both over-controlling ...

Your abusive boss may not be good for your marriage: study

Having an abusive boss not only causes problems at work but can lead to strained relationships at home, according to a Baylor University study published online in journal, Personnel Psychology. The study found that stress ...

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