Latin America divided between oil and green energy

Latin America spends billions of dollars subsidizing fossil fuels each year, but also has some of the world's largest renewable power programs, highlighting the energy-hungry region's divisions as it charts its future.

Identifying the arrogant boss

( -- Arrogant bosses can drain the bottom line because they are typically poor performers who cover up their insecurities by disparaging subordinates, leading to organizational dysfunction and employee turnover.

Trouble with your boss? Own it

Don't get along with your boss? Your job performance may actually improve if the two of you can come to grips with the poor relationship.

Fake online editorial fools New York Times

The New York Times, which famously insists on the accuracy of its reports, was red faced Sunday after being fooled by a hoax online editorial posted under the name of ex-boss Bill Keller.

How to be a good boss in a bad economy

( -- When cutbacks are necessary, can a good boss do right by the company's finances and by its staff? Some pain is probably unavoidable, but Stanford management science and engineering Professor Bob Sutton says ...

Having a bad boss makes you a worse employee, study finds

If your boss stomps and yells, criticizes you, and then proceeds to take the credit for your work—even it is an isolated incident—it can take a profound toll on employee well-being and performance. But despite the many ...

What drives individuals to kill their co-workers?

Denied tenure and certain she would lose her job, Harvard-trained neurobiologist Amy Bishop shocked the nation when, in 2010, she killed three colleagues and wounded three others with a nine-millimeter semiautomatic handgun ...

Coping with abuse in the work place

Confronting an abusive boss is easier said than done: employees coping with the stress of abusive treatment prefer to avoid direct communication even though it would be the most effective tactic in terms of emotional well-being. ...

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