Unhappy at work? The boss or the company may be to blame

If you are unhappy at work, it could be partly due to your boss' management style, according to a new study by Dr. Nicolas Gillet, from the Université François Rabelais in Tours in France, and his team. Both over-controlling ...

Study finds bad bosses could turn you into a great boss

A new University of Central Florida study suggests abuse and mistreatment by those at the top of an organization do not necessarily lead to abusive behavior by lower-level leaders. When offered leadership opportunities, prior ...

Why cash incentives aren't a good idea in education

If there is one iron law of economics it is this: people respond to incentives. Offer an "all you can eat" buffet and people eat a lot. Double the demerit points for speeding on a holiday weekend and fewer people speed. And ...

Checking Facebook at work? Your boss likely doesn't like it

More than half of employers say they completely prohibit social media use by workers, according to a new survey of about 1,400 large U.S. companies. But what if the CEO is in her office using LinkedIn, your boss just invited ...

Bosses who feel inadequate can turn into bullies

(PhysOrg.com) -- Bosses who are in over their heads are more likely to bully subordinates. That's because feelings of inadequacy trigger them to lash out at those around them, according to new research from UC Berkeley and ...

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