Deadwood in the global carbon cycle

Living trees absorb a considerable amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and therefore play an important role in the protection of our climate. Little is known about the role of dead trees in the global carbon cycle, ...

Drought affects aspen survival decades later, new study finds

Drought—even in a single year—can leave aspen more vulnerable to insect infestation and other stressors decades later, a new study by NAU researchers found. Aspen trees that were not resilient to drought stayed smaller ...

Hot summers, intense burn seasons seed 'zombie' fires: study

"Zombie" fires that linger under the winter snow in the forests of the Northern Hemisphere tend to re-ignite after hotter summers, according to a study on Wednesday warning that climate change may make them more common.

How wildfires affect climate change—and vice versa

As the 2021 wildfire season begins to unfold, the memories of past seasons linger—in the lungs of people, in the communities and landscapes that burned and in the atmosphere, where greenhouse gases from wildfires continue ...

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