Climate change unlikely to drive sugar maples north

Climate is an important factor in determining a plant species' growing zone. Some studies suggest that by the turn of the next century, climate change will have caused some species to spread several dozen kilometres north ...

Trees and doodlebugs emit methane – the question is, how?

Trees and insects may play a significant role in the emission of methane—a potent greenhouse gas—and improving our understanding of exactly how this happens could help in targeting more effective ways to fight global ...

Understanding why songbirds choose their homes

New research by University of Alberta biologists uses a new approach to modelling the populations of six species of songbirds in Canada's boreal forest—and the results show that standard modeling methods may not be accurately ...

Ten ways climate change can make wildfires worse

Wildfires such as those raging across eastern Australia have become more common across the world in recent years. AFP talked to scientists about the ways in which climate change can make them worse.

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