Labor market key to reducing excessive risk taking by bankers

Excessive bonuses and risk taking in the financial sector are inherent in the competition on the labor market for bankers. This is argued by Anton van Boxtel in his PhD thesis, which he will defend at Tilburg University on ...

Activision in legal battle with game developers

Activision has a fight on its hands as developers behind "Modern Warfare" accuse the videogame publisher of holding them "hostage" to complete a new installment of the blockbuster franchise.

Top Facebook executives surpassed Zuckerberg in pay

Facebook's chief operating officer made more than $30.5 million last year, more than 20 times what founder Mark Zuckerberg earned as the CEO of the social networking giant, company IPO filings Wednesday showed.

The truth about bonuses

Bankers may well love them by the billion, but new research has claimed bonuses don't actually make us work any harder.

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