Related topics: stem cells ยท bone

Bone marrow-on-a-chip unveiled

The latest organ-on-a-chip from Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering reproduces the structure, functions and cellular make-up of bone marrow, a complex tissue that until now could only be studied ...

Researchers gain fuller picture of cell protein reactions

Over the past decade, advances in genetic mapping tools have provided great insight into how DNA influences cell behavior. But genetics is only half the equation; much of cells' behavior is the result of post-transcriptional ...

A bio patch that can regrow bone

Researchers at the University of Iowa have created a bio patch to regenerate missing or damaged bone by putting DNA into a nano-sized particle that delivers bone-producing instructions directly into cells.

Targeting cancer's 'queen bees' with better tissue modeling

In many types of cancer, standard chemotherapy cures only a fraction of patients. Treatments are often too toxic to normal cells and they fail to selectively kill cancer's stem cells, which can survive treatment and, like ...

Signal gradients in 3-D guide stem cell behavior

Scientists know that physical and biochemical signals can guide cells to make, for example, muscle, blood vessels or bone. But the exact recipes to produce the desired tissues have proved elusive.

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