How the mold influences a chocolate bar's crystalline structure

When enjoying a chocolate bar, most people don't think about how the molecules within it are organized. But different arrangements of the fats in chocolate can influence its taste and texture. Now, researchers reporting in ...

Why older people should chill when it's hot out

Taking a break from extreme heat, by visiting a cooling center for example, could help our cells protect themselves from damage, according to preliminary findings from a new study. The research, which focused on older people, ...

Species evolve heat tolerance more slowly than cold tolerance

Many species might be left vulnerable in the face of climate change, unable to adapt their physiologies to respond to rapid global warming. According to a team of international researchers, species evolve heat tolerance more ...

Study finds alligator hearts keep beating no matter what

Mammals and cold-blooded alligators share a common four-chamber heart structure—unique among reptiles—but that's where the similarities end. Unlike humans and other mammals, whose hearts can fibrillate under stress, alligators ...

As oceans warm, large fish struggle

Warming ocean waters could reduce the ability of fish, especially large ones, to extract the oxygen they need from their environment. Animals require oxygen to generate energy for movement, growth and reproduction. In a recent ...

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