Evidence of bone disease found in medieval skeletons

A large team of researchers from across the U.K. has found evidence of Paget's disease of the bone in multiple medieval skeletons uncovered in northwest Britain. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy ...

Disposable parts of plants mutate more quickly

Mutation rates are proposed to be a pragmatic balance struck between the harmful effects of mutations and the costs of suppressing them; this hypothesis predicts that longer-lived body parts and those that contribute to the ...

Malaysia makes record 30-tonne pangolin seizure

Malaysian authorities have made a record seizure of about 30 tonnes of pangolins and their scales worth some $2 million in raids on major processing facilities, police and environmentalists said Tuesday.

Let's talk about the elephant that wasn't in the room

Encounters with elephants are always memorable. My first meeting with a bull African elephant – face to face across a disconcertingly small and shallow waterhole during a walking safari in Zimbabwe – left me shaking so ...

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