Flaw makes Jawbone UP wristbands go down

US wireless earpiece maker Jawbone on Thursday apologized for a flaw that causes its fitness focused UP wristbands to go down and offered users their money back even if they keep the gadgets.

Microsoft adds voice search to Xbox Live

Microsoft on Monday began adding voice search to Xbox Live as it continues to transform its videogame consoles into hubs for online entertainment in digital age living rooms.

Japan firm unveils robot suit for nuclear workers

The Japanese maker of an exoskeleton robot suit to assist walking on Monday unveiled a model that could help nuclear workers weighed down by heavy anti-radiation vests in contaminated zones.

Teaching robots to identify human activities

(PhysOrg.com) -- If we someday live in "smart houses" or have personal robots to help around the home and office, they will need to be aware of what humans are doing. You don't remind grandpa to take his arthritis pills if ...

Kinect bringing interactive ads to Xbox 360

Microsoft announced Tuesday it will bring interactive ads to Xbox360 consoles using the voice- and gesture-recognizing capabilities of Kinect controllers.

uFSRFE: Stretchable electronics report how you feel

(PhysOrg.com) -- Electronics that can be bent and stretched might sound like science fiction. But Uppsala researcher Zhigang Wu, working with collaborators, has devised a wireless sensor that can stand to be stretched. For ...

How to stand out, lizard-style

(PhysOrg.com) -- If you've ever tried waving to someone distant in a bustling crowd, you'll have some idea of how hard it can be for small rainforest animals to signal to each other with so many other distractions to catch ...

Japan's robot suit to bring hope to the disabled

Japan's Cyberdyne may share its name with the company responsible for nuclear destruction and the killer robots of the "Terminator" movie series, but the similarities end there.

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