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Investors to get Google records on online drug ads

(AP) -- A Delaware judge has given Google Inc. until April 9 to give a pension fund investors company documents involving what authorities said was the illegal online marketing of prescription drugs to U.S. consumers by ...

Theranos collapse offers three big lessons for companies

Less than three months after being charged by the US Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) with "massive fraud" and barred from being the CEO of a public company for ten years, entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes is reportedly ...

The loneliness of the CEOs hired from outside

A third of the new CEOs are hired outside the company despite the fact that on average their performance is lower than those who reach the top by internal promotion. A study shows that the reasons are to be found in the misalignment ...

Telecom Italia board hangs up, dials battle for control

Eight members of Telecom Italia's board of directors resigned on Thursday, triggering a re-election of the entire board as an activist investor fund has challenged the control over the company by France's Vivendi.

Coming soon to the Internet: The .whatever address

A quarter-century after the creation of ".com," the agency that assigns Internet addresses is loosening its rules and allowing suffixes named after brands, hobbies, political causes and just about anything else.

Women on board: Does forced diversity hurt firm performance?

( -- New SEC rules will require public firms to disclose what role, if any, diversity plays in appointing members to their corporate boards, but University of Michigan researchers say any forced restructuring ...

Women on company boards face stockmarket prejudice

( -- Companies with female board members fare worse on the stock market, despite performing as well on all other measures as those with all-male boards. This is the finding of a new study by the University of ...

Netflix chief Hastings to leave Facebook board

Netflix chief Reed Hastings will depart Facebook's board of directors at the end of next month, according to a Friday filing with US regulators by the leading social network.

Shareholders rate women board members more highly than men

Companies with women on their executive and supervisory boards are valued more highly by the stock markets. Investors rate the performance of the few women who climbed to the top of the career ladder in companies without ...

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