Children can learn arithmetic faster and better

During the first two years of primary education children can learn to do arithmetic faster and better with the help of a more systematically structured educational programme. For older children, teaching arithmetic with the ...

Online product displays can shape your buying behavior

One of the biggest marketing trends in the online shopping industry is personalization through curated product recommendations; however, it can change whether people buy a product they had been considering, according to new ...

Preschoolers can do more math than you think

Preschoolers are capable of learning more complicated math concepts than most parents realize, according to a new Vanderbilt study. What's more, these concepts can be easily introduced through simple games and tasks at home.

Snapchat launches own multi-player gaming platform

Messaging app Snapchat, which is widely popular among younger users but has struggled to turn a profit since its creation in 2011, on Thursday unveiled new features including an integrated gaming platform, an expansion of ...

'Shrek' producer joins Zynga board

Zynga on Monday said the film producer behind "Shrek" and other DreamWorks Animation hits has joined the board of directors at the hot online social games startup.

Human vs machine Go showdown kicks off in Seoul

A 3,000-year-old Chinese board game was the focus of a very 21st century showdown Wednesday as South Korean Go grandmaster Lee Se-Dol kicked off his highly anticipated clash with the Google-developed supercomputer, AlphaGo.

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